Monday, August 29, 2011

Life imitating Art imitating Mew imitating.....

Check out this vintage T jewel I found at one of my favorite vintage stores.

Coincidentally, I just saw a Lichtenstein exhibit at The White Gallery on Sullivan's Island and then came across this sicky T! Make's it even more special when you get to see the artist's REAL LIFE work.

It's these little things in life that make me smile inside and out.

Glad this dress made it to a happy home! I hope it is enjoyed as much as I enjoyed making it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let's have a 'Wig Free' America!

And I'm not talking about the ones you wear on your head. I'm talking about straight up "wiggin'".

You know, in here shiz. (pointing to head)

And I don't know where it comes from. But it happens and it's not fun.....

But enough with that. Because you know why? Wiggin' is a waste of time. But it's nice to talk it out.

Thanks for listening. :)

Here's a picture that makes we want to punch somebody, but also gives me a good belly laugh:

Hey! That "Hang in There" kitten my have to be the new Mew mascot! I feel a t-shirt coming on......

Happy Thursday! Let's make reality a fun place to be! Wig Free America! Yeah!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Frankly, my dear......

Song I'm thinking about for Charlotte Fashion Week. Remixed, of course.

I want a siiiiiiicky remix of a Southern favorite. Any ideas? Please send them my way!

Where the hell is the MAC program that lets you remix your shiz?

Alls I wants ta do is mix some Big Boi and Hank Williams Jr. with a whisper of the Dixieland theme song to it. Is that too much to ask????!!!!

Uggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! It'll come together. So while I calm the "F" down, enjoy the song above! God Bless you and God Bless Dixie!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm a girl. La la la......

Dancy girl tune

This song has a sprinkle of Cyndi Lauper and I like it!

Makes me want to shake my groove thing in this:

This is the new Mew fabric for Charlotte Fashion Week. Sparkly! Just like you! I just can't get enough.....

Monday, August 1, 2011

What the August?

Hot as balls, check. END OF SUMMER!!!! check. Back to school? Ha! At least I'm winning on some aspect.

We all say this all year long, "where did the time go?". Well, it came and went and taught us a few life lessons along the way. What made this the most EPIC summer for you?

Here's a song to ponder that thought over with: SONG TO PONDER TO.

And this is pretty.....

Happy August! Thanks for the shout of SKIRT!